Recommended books – South Korea
Women are protagonists, each with her own torment. Landscapes, historical periods and relationships are the heart of these novels. These are the readings for South Korea.
Women are protagonists, each with her own torment. Landscapes, historical periods and relationships are the heart of these novels. These are the readings for South Korea.
These books by Brazilian authors have as their theme the journey, Coelho’s Alchemist is magical and spiritual, Perrotti Machado’s Homen Livre physical, but also spiritual. Recommended reading – Brazil
Sumaya Abdel Qader is an author of Jordanian origin who grew up in Italy. In her book she tells what it means to be a Muslim woman in Italy today. Recommended books – Jordan
These books focus on New York: a destination for teenagers with Salinger; surreal crossroads for Auster detectives; a gathering of destinies for Allende.
Kapushinski, reporter who told a lot about Africa; Ngozi Adichie, writer who made Biafra’s drama vivid; Camus and his “Stranger”. Recommended reading – Africa
The novels by Stern (The sergeant in the snow), Solženicyn (Gulag archipelago) and some Russian classics are the recommended books – Russia
Scerbanenco (The farewell girl) and Harrison (Marjorie Prime), a theatrical text that I saw played at the Parenti theatre. Recommended books – Milan
Kader Abdolah (The house of the mosque) for intimate Islam, and Marsha Mehran (Margaret Tatcher beauty institute) for nostalgia and poetry. Some of the recommended books – Iran