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  • DATE: 28-09-2020
  • PLACE: Buenos Aires





La porteña with an Italian heart

Giselle from Buenos Aires, Argentina

My name is Giselle Pronesti, I am Argentine by birth, Italian by blood and Mexican by adoption. I was born and live in Buenos Aires, although most of the time it seems that my life takes place in a small piece of Italy. My four grandparents and my mother are from Calabria and I grew up with stories of immigrants, homemade food and dialects.

As a child I thought that when I grew up I would be a writer or a hostess. Life took me to other paths, but I still love airplanes and writing travel journals.

My life in Buenos Aires

My passions are traveling, learning about new cultures, trying foods and learning languages. I love to dance, cook, plants, model pottery, decorate, recycle things and take pictures.

I am very lazy for sports, but if it comes to walking in a new place I can beat even the most athletic of companions.

I like nature, but when I travel I love getting lost in the cities.

I am convinced that what makes you fall in love with a place is its people. And thanks to the trip, I can say that I have met my most precious friends.

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Giselle Buenos Aires