Column on #Words: Confusion
Column on #Words: Confusion that is disturbance, chaos, but also an opportunity to experience Harmony. Elisingiro
Column on #Words: Confusion that is disturbance, chaos, but also an opportunity to experience Harmony. Elisingiro
Journey into words … We not only feel emotions within us, but we recognize them in others. Empathy is an engine for our evolution.
Journey into words … Is happiness a transitory state or a condition of well-being to aspire to? We talk about it on this journey into emotions.
Journey into words … Is sadness a lack, a feeling of lack of something: a form of loneliness? Or a bridge to something to come?
Journey into words … anger like other emotions creates an inner movement in us and leads us to other places, from anger to impatience to reaction.
Journey through words … Discovering an emotion that frightens but which is also functional to our existence, fear.
Journey into words … Game as a joke, competition, trap … What is the game for us and what role does it play in our lives?
Journey into words … Responsibility. We often associate the word with a sense of heaviness, but what is it and how can it affect us and others?
Journey into words … Being vs doing. How much are we what we are and how much what we do? The dilemma of being versus doing.
Journey into words … Betrayal. We discover this word to which we usually associate a negative meaning to find, perhaps, something different.
Journey into words … Let’s find out what exclusivity is, what lies within the folds of this so fashionable word in our current vocabulary?
Journey into words … Travel is often a symbol of our authenticity: we take ourselves on the journey, we feel more free than at home.
Journey into words … Why sincerity as the first stop? Because we would like, to start this journey, to show us as we are.